PublishPress Authors Plugin

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Product Details

Version: 4.1.2

Last Update: 10 Feb 2024 

Release Date: 10 Jan 2020

Uses: Unlimited Domain

Products Source: Original Authors.

Future Updates: One Year / Lifetime

License Type: GPL

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PublishPress Authors

PublishPress Authors allows you to add multiple authors and guest authors to WordPress posts

WordPress only allows you to add one author to each post. With the PublishPress Authors plugin, you can add many authors to one WordPress post.

You can create detailed author profiles with fields and custom layouts.

Using PublishPress Authors, you can also add Guest Authors who don’t need an account on your site.

The main features of PublishPress Authors

Add multiple authors

With PublishPress Authors, you can choose multiple authors for each post. When you write a post, you’ll see the Authors box in the right sidebar. Here you can choose from all the users on your site, and assign them as authors.

Show your author profiles

PublishPress Authors gives you multiple ways to show author profiles. You can display authors under your content, in a widget, using shortcodes and more.

Add guest authors

Using PublishPress Authors, you can create Guest Authors who don’t need an account on your site. PublishPress will treat Guest Authors identically to Authors who have WordPress accounts.

Author pages

PublishPress Authors allows you to showcase the work of each individual author with customizable author pages where you decide which post information is displayed. From tags, read more link, excerpt, and more.

Custom fields for author profiles

PublishPress Authors Pro enables you to create custom fields for your author profiles. You can add Text, WYSIWYG, Link, email fields and more.

Custom layouts for author profiles

PublishPress Authors Pro enables you to build custom layouts for authors. Using all your author information and custom fields, you can design beautiful layouts for your authors.


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