This add-on lets you create guided dropdowns based on a hierarchical taxonomy.

Adding the facet

  • Create a new facet, and set the Facet type to Hierarchy select.
  • Click the “Add label” button once for each depth level. If you want to show two dropdowns, then you need two labels.
  • Add the facet to your listing page(s).

Available options

Data SourceThe taxonomy to pull values from. The Hierarchy Select facet expects a hierarchical taxonomy as data source.
Sort bySort facet choices by:

  • Highest count – sorts by the total number of results with that value.
  • Display value – sorts alphabetically according to the label you see on the facet choices.
  • Raw value – sorts by the value that tracks the facet choices. For example in a dropdown, this is the option value rather than the option label. You can see the raw values in the url after making facet selections.
  • Term order – sorts by taxonomy term order. This option uses term_order which is only available when using a plugin that sets an explicit order for taxonomy terms. FacetWP supports:
    • WooCommerce product categories order
    • Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order
    • Advanced Taxonomy Terms Order
    • Intuitive Custom Post Order (which needs some additional code to work)
    • Custom Taxonomy Order (which needs some additional code to work)
Show depth levelsSet custom dropdown labels, and determine which dropdown level appears. Default label: “Any”. Click the “Add Label” button to add (labels for) more levels. Notes:

  • Setting a depth label for a level determines if the dropdown for that level appears. By default, the facet shows only one level. If your taxonomy for example has three levels, and you want them all to appear, you need to set three depth labels.
  • The depth labels are translatable with the facetwp_i18n hook.