Fluent Support Pro Addon

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Product Details

Version:  1.8.0

Last Update: 18 August 2024

Release Date:  11 May 2021

Uses: Unlimited Domain

Products Source: Original Authors.

Future Updates: One Year / Lifetime

License Type: GPL

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Fluent Support Pro Addon

Customer service made fast, fun, and fluent

Introducing the most effective support ticketing system for WordPress. Need to provide superfast, reliable, and efficient customer support? Fluent Support got your back

Fluent Support is made for those who want to build a robust helpdesk in WordPress

What makes Fluent Support unique?

Product-based support, user’s info, automated reply, performance tracking – Fluent Support has everything you can imagine inside a helpdesk system for WordPress!

Designed for support engineers. For better response

Fluent Support made ticket management easy. Agents can filter and sort with many variables to define priority. They can track their progress and see how many tickets are waiting for them.

Instant loading with superfast SPA

Fluent Support is built as a Single Page Application with VueJS & REST API. So it loads fast without any clutter. You can navigate to different pages without experiencing any delay.


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