Easy Digital Download Gravity Form Addon | EDD Gravity Form Addon

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Product Details

Version:  Latest

Last Update: 14 Feb 2024 

Release Date:  9 May 2020

Uses: Unlimited Domain

Products Source: Original Authors.

Future Updates: One Year / Lifetime

License Type: GPL

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Easy Digital Download Gravity Form Addon

Gravity Forms Checkout combines the tremendous power of Gravity Forms with the ease and simplicity of Easy Digital Downloads. The extension allows you to create purchase forms for any of your products through Gravity Forms. With a purchase form created through Gravity Forms, customers purchase the product simply by filling out the form, completely bypassing the standard EDD checkout page. This allows you to take advantage of Gravity Forms amazing conditional logic, calculation fields, and more.

The power of Gravity Forms combined with the reporting and file delivery of Easy Digital Downloads.

In short, Gravity Forms Checkout lets you create the perfect purchase form for your website, whatever your requirements are.

Gravity Forms Checkout Features

  • Create dedicated purchase forms for any product
  • Use with any Gravity Forms payment add-on
  • Purchase multiple products through a single form
  • Place purchase forms on any page
  • Supports all Gravity Forms field types
  • Uses Gravity Forms’ powerful calculation fields
  • Supports all Gravity Forms conditional logic
  • Supports Gravity Forms notification settings
  • Limit the number of purchases allowed
  • Limit when purchases can be made
  • Use EDD’s powerful reporting
  • Use EDD’s digital file delivery system

Who Should Use Gravity Forms Checkout?

Anyone that wants complete control over the form used to purchase their products, but here are a few specific examples:

  • Hosting services that allow customers to choose optional features that impact the final purchase price.
  • Website maintenance services. Let customers choose the features they want with the service.
  • Event ticketing managers. Create powerful registration forms where attendees can fill out all required information.
  • Software distributors. Give the customers the option to choose the version they need.
  • Digital print designers. Allow customers to give exact specifics on the kind of print they want.
  • Website template designers / developers. Give customers a choice of template to purchase.

All of these examples can greatly benefit from the sheer power that Gravity Forms provides for form building capability, and all of them benefit tremendously from the reporting and file delivery of Easy Digital Downloads.


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