Addon Packages Addon [ Paid Memberships Pro ]

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Product Details

Version:  Latest

Last Update: 10 Feb 2024 

Release Date:  17 Apr 2022

Uses: Unlimited Domain

Products Source: Original Authors.

Future Updates: One Year / Lifetime

License Type: GPL

Live Demo

Addon Packages Addon

Purchase Access to a Page, Post or “Thing”

Sell access to individual pages or posts, or sell a la carte items for a flat fee.

This is a  Plus Add On.

Plus Add Ons are included in all Plus or higher premium membership plans.

How it Works

  • Admin designates a post as an “addon package” by setting a price for access and selecting which membership levels can purchase the package.
  • For users without access, the page will show the excerpt and a link to purchase at the bottom of the page.
  • For users with access, the page will display the full post content (content after the “more” tag).
  • Set the global PMPROAP_EXP_DAYS to optionally define an expiration term for access to Addon Packages.
  • Use the filter pmproap_all_access_levels to define the level(s) that have “all access” as demonstrated in this companion tutorial.
  • Addon Packages only works for a one-time charge (no recurring payments on a single content purchase). You also cannot currently apply tax or discount codes to the addon package purchase.


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