Gravity Forms Tooltips by JetSloth

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Product Details

Version: 1.1.54

Last Update: 27 Apr 2024

Release Date: 10 Jan 2020

Uses: Unlimited Domain

Products Source: Original Authors.

Future Updates: One Year / Lifetime

License Type: GPL

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Gravity Forms Tooltips by JetSloth

Tooltips for Gravity Forms

Need to add tooltips to your forms to better enhance communication and messaging on your Gravity Forms? Gravity Forms Tooltips add-on makes it easy to do just that!

With a dynamic settings screen you can set the color, size and position of your tooltips and add unique tooltip content to every field within your Gravity Form.

field in your Gravity Forms

Weā€™ve built our plugin to easily add tooltips to any of your fields within Gravity Forms. Tooltips also work with all of our existing plugins like color picker, image choices and collapsible sections so you can enjoy our newest plugin with the combo of JetSloth plugins.

ive any field label a tooltip

With this Tooltips WordPress plugin you can add a new tooltip to every field in your form. Tooltips work with all coreĀ Gravity FormsĀ field types so youā€™re not limited by field types.

Works with JetSlothā€™s
suite of plugins

Already using some of our popular Gravity Forms addons? Great news, Gravity Forms Tooltips works perfectly with our existing Gravity Forms addons such as Collapsible sections, Image Choices and Gravity Forms Color Picker.

Now thereā€™s even more reason to get the Sloth Bundle and perfect the look of your Gravity Forms across your website.

Settings options for
fine-grain control

Customise tooltips look and feel both from a global setting to affect all forms or override style settings contextually on a form by form basis. Control icons, font size, font color and more for your tooltip styles. Further customise each tooltip by adding custom CSS styles in your theme or website settings.


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