WooCommerce BluePay Gateway

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Product Details

Version: 1.1.8

Last Update: 7 Feb 2024

Release Date: 15 Mar 2020

Uses: Unlimited Domain

Products Source: Original Authors.

Future Updates: One Year / Lifetime

License Type: GPL

Setup and Configuration

  1. Go to:Ā WooCommerce > Settings > Payments.
    Note: ā€˜Paymentsā€™ formerly called ā€˜Checkoutā€™ prior to WooCommerce 3.4.
  2. SelectĀ BluePay ā€“ Credit. This takes you to the Settings screen.
  3. ConfigureĀ your settings:
    • Enable/DisableĀ ā€“ Enable to use. Disable to turn off.
    • TitleĀ ā€“ Choose the title shown to customers during checkout
    • DescriptionĀ ā€“ Add infoĀ shown to customers if they use BluePay, e.g., what credit cards you accept
    • Enter theĀ BluePay Account ID,Ā BluePay User ID, andĀ BluePay Secret KeyĀ from your BluePay account.
    • Choose whichĀ Payment TypeĀ you would like to use betweenĀ SaleĀ (will authorize and capture funds at checkout) andĀ Authorize OnlyĀ (will only authorize payment, funds will need to be captured within your BluePay merchant account).
    • Enable Test ModeĀ if testing or developing before going live. Remember to disable.
    • Gateway URL Override
    • Enable debug emailsĀ and enter anĀ email addressĀ if troubleshooting or wishing to receive logs. Otherwise, leave disabled.
  4. Save changes.
  5. Repeat the same steps forĀ BluePay eCheckĀ starting fromĀ WooCommerce > Settings > PaymentsĀ if you wish to enable that option.


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