Javo Directory WordPress Theme

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Product Details

Version: 5.11.0

Last Update: 20 mar 2024

Release Date: 19 Jan 2023

Uses: Unlimited Domain

Products Source: Original Authors.

Future Updates: One Year / Lifetime

License Type: GPL

Live Demo

Javo Directory WordPress Theme Overview:

Customize Your Site In Real Time.

Javo theme is compatible with Elementor Page builder. You can build your site by real-time live page builder. It’s almost all you can control by live (real-time) builders

  • Header, Footer, Search Form Builder
  • Listing Features ( Map, List, Detail) Builder
  • Theme Feature Builder: Login, Signup, Post, Blog .. etc

No More Fixed Templates

Most of the themes are fixed templates including our old themes. However, it’s not fixed templates anymore. You can reorder, add, remove each feature.

  • Header, Footer, Search Form Builder
  • Listing Features ( Map, List, Detail) Builder
  • Theme Feature Builder: Login, Signup, Post, Blog .. etc

Pre-Designed Templates Are Ready

Don’t get us wrong. You don’t need to build all. Pre-designed templates are included. Once you imported you can modify or copy to other pages.

  • Javo Page Builders
  • Elementor Free Templates
  • Elementor Free Blocks

1 Click Import Demo Data

You can simply import all demo data by 1 click Import Wizard. It just takes a few minutes.

There is also a checklist after import. You will check all settings by our checklist.

  • 1 Click Demo Import
  • Templates are ready
  • Copy & Paste, Import, Export Templates

Basic Add-ons Included

Javo is a rich theme that has many options. However, there are addons for advanced options.

Necessary and popular addons will be included by free coupons.

  • Listing Plugins
  • Templates are ready
  • Copy & Paste, Import, Export Templates

Map & List Style

You can customize the map page by dragging & dropping. Change position of map and filters. List first or Map first. Change module or Map colors…etc

  • Map page layout
  • Filter, Advanced Filter, Search form, etc.
  • Map customize(Map color, Zoom level, Marker, etc..)
  • Map controller button
  • Near me
  • Module switch button


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