FiboSearch Pro – AJAX Search for WooCommerce

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Product Details

Version:  1.27.0

Last Update: 15 Mar 2024 

Release Date: 18 Jan 2020

Uses: Unlimited Domain

Products Source: Original Authors.

Future Updates: One Year / Lifetime

License Type: GPL

Live Demo

FiboSearch Pro – AJAX Search for WooCommerce

FiboSearch Pro GPL Features:

Unbelievably fast

Unbelievably fast, even when you have 50 000+ products.
The average server response time is 0.15 seconds.

  • No More User Irritation
  • Increased Sales
  • Higher Conversions

Mobile friendly

Show search suggestions in overlay mode on mobile devices, just like Google or Walmart does.


  • More Sales on Mobile Devices
  • Lower Bounce Rate on Mobile


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