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₹99.00 – ₹399.00 + GST TAX
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Free Lifetime / One Year Update.
100% Original Product and Virus Free.
100% Untouched and Unmodified Files.
Unlimited Website Usage
Here’s why Automatic.css (ACSS) is a game changer for web designers and developers who use WordPress page builders….
Anything on your ACSS powered website that contains text, whether it’s a heading, paragraph, list, form field, or anything else, follows a perfect mathematical scale in hierarchy through 12 different size options, all of which are automatically & perfectly mobile responsive. Best of all, the entire system is under your command from the Automatic.css dashboard.
Set your brand colors and ACSS automatically generates six shade variants of each color. Classes give you the ability to color any element (including backgrounds and overlays) with these variants and you can even use them with custom classes and IDs via Automatic.css color utility variables.
As is true with typography in ACSS, margins, padding, and gaps all follow a perfect mathematical scale giving you access to six hierarchal spacing values and six hierarchal section spacing values, all of which are automatically responsive. Additionally, spacing utility variables ensure that even completely custom elements have consistent spacing.
ACSS uses advanced CSS Clamp and Calc techniques to ensure that all typography, margin, padding, and gaps are perfectly responsive according to the maximum and minimum viewport dimensions of your website. You never have to fiddle with breakpoints, even when you customize the system to fit a specific design and layout.
ACSS is the first utility framework to offer automatically responsive grids. Set the number of desired columns on desktop and Automatic.css handles the rest. For developers who prefer complete control over their grid at each breakpoint, Automatic.css offers full control via traditional grid utility classes.
Think a fully automatic framework locks you in to using the same values on every site? Think again! Automatic.css gives you amazing granular control over typography, spacing, and colors so you can quickly recreate designs from Figma, Sketch, and XD without issue. It’s perfect for agencies and teams.
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