Approval Process for Membership Addon [ Paid Memberships Pro ]

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Product Details

Version:  Latest

Last Update: 10 Feb 2024 

Release Date:  17 Apr 2022

Uses: Unlimited Domain

Products Source: Original Authors.

Future Updates: One Year / Lifetime

License Type: GPL

Live Demo

Approval Process for Membership

Set up a unique approval or application process for your membership site. This plugin gives membership site administrators the ability to approve or deny members.

This is a  Plus Add On.

Plus Add Ons are included in all Plus or higher premium membership plans.

Membership approvals allows you to control the application process for your membership site. It’s a necessary feature for many membership sites that want to control who can gain access to your community or restricted content.

How it Works

After a member signs up, the Admin, Membership Manager, or new Approver roles will have the ability to approve their membership or deny the application. The member will be charged the initial payment and subscription configured (if applicable) based on the level’s settings at checkout.

Additionally, you can set a level to require an approved membership from another level in order to complete checkout. This allows you to offer a two-step membership application and full membership registration model. You can place an application fee on the application level, and then charge your full recurring membership fee on the primary membership for approved members.

The applying member and the admin will receive email notifications along the process to alert them of the application status.

Members pending approval will not have access to view members-only content until their membership has been approved. After a member is approved, they will be able to access all members-only content.


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