MEC Ticket and Invoice Addon

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Product Details

Version:  3.2.0

Last Update: 15 Mar 2024 

Release Date: 19 Jan 2023

Uses: Unlimited Domain

Products Source: Original Authors.

Future Updates: One Year / Lifetime

License Type: GPL

Live Demo

Modern Events Calendar Ticket and Invoice

You can easily sell your events on your website using the Ticket & Invoice add-on. this add-on allows you to manage your attendees’ check-in, send out tickets and invoices in email format.

Modern Events Calendar Ticket and Invoice Features:

  • Company info (name, logo, address, VAT, etc.)
  • Role selection for the person managing invoices
  • Complementary information including vat number, location, description, company Email transaction ID, Payment Gateway, Price, Fee, Discount, QR code, etc.
  • Print the invoice
  • Exclusive logo
  • Manage the quantity of every invoice
  • Export templates for a different WordPress
  • Export in XML
  • Export all invoices in XML
  • Filter invoices based on event or ticket
  • Simple use and many other features
  • Check-in with QR code scanner
  • Integration in managing reservations in Booking and Invoice
  • Complete billing information in the invoice
  • Resend to the user
  • Exclusive link in QR code
  • Exclusive QR code for every attendee
  • Performing the messages that are set for check-in after scanning the QR code
  • Division of attendee info in every invoice
  • Add Or Remove Attendee
  • Copy-proof invoice
  • Live Attendees
  • The most complete set of features to manage Bookings and Invoices to perfection
  • Compatible with any android or iOS QR code reader
  • Download the invoice
  • Send invoice by email
  • Add older invoices to the new system
  • Export all or a number of invoices in PDF format
  • Send every attendee an invoice
  • Easy management of every invoice
  • Disable the old invoice system
  • Check-in the attendees with QR code reader
  • Sign up a user by manually creating a new invoice
  • Dashboard for managing invoices altogether
  • View organizer info in the invoice
  • Optimized for all devices including mobiles and tablets
  • List ContentReplace all the older invoices with the new ones by simply installing the add-on
  • Check-in and uncheck with QR code
  • View user status
  • Create an invoice per every person
  • Removing or adding participants; compatible with Booking
  • Remove or add users based on tickets
  • Displays today’s invoices in your WordPress Dashboard metabox state


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