WP Rentals – Booking Accommodation WordPress Theme

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Product Details

Version: 3.12.0

Last Update: 15 may 2024

Release Date: 10 Jan 2020

Uses: Unlimited Domain

Products Source: Original Authors.

Future Updates: One Year / Lifetime

License Type: GPL

Live Demo

WP Rentals – Booking Accommodation WordPress Theme

WP Rentals is a unique WordPress booking themeĀ which saves you time and money when creating your rentals platform. Either you use the theme as a single owner, or you allow users to register and publish listings (single properties or single objects) forĀ daily or hourlyĀ rent, Rentals has you covered.

With more than 180 theme options, 20 pricing choices, and a selection of 19 pre-built demos, it offers everything you require. Additionally, it simplifies the process of synchronizing your availability calendar with popular platforms like Airbnb and HomeAway through Ical feed support for export and import.

Our theme is up to date withĀ SCA Regulations for Europe Stripe Payments. We also allow customers to enable WooCommerce and their merchants toĀ process payments for bookings through WooCommerce.Ā Instant Booking deposits paid through WooCommerce DO NOT require users to Login.

WpRentals can be translated to any language. For multi-language you can use 3rd party Plugins such as WPML or Weglot.

In WpRentals you can choose different price settings for a listing and you can control which of the available fields to show in the listing submit form:

  • A default price per night (or per hour),
  • A different price per night for bookings over 7 days (or custom price per hour for over 7h booking),
  • A different price per night for bookings over 30 days (or a different price per hour for over 30h),
  • You can set a different value for 7 and 30, if you wish to offer a discounted price for less or more than 7 and 30 nghts r hours
  • A different price per night (or hour) for weekend days,
  • Minimum booking days (or hours),
  • Price for extra guests,
  • Cleaning and/or city fee (with the option to calculate these by night, by guest or by guest and night),
  • Security deposit,
  • Taxes value,
  • Early-bird discount in % for bookings made in advance, and more.

The theme supportsĀ custom price per night for a specific periodĀ including:

  • Custom price per night for 7d+ or 30d+ bookings. Change 7 and 30 to your values.
  • Custom price for weekend nights
  • A minimum number of nights to book for a specific period
  • Custom price for extra guests
  • Custom turnover days for a specific period
  • For booking options, the owner can enable (or disable) the option to calculate the booking fee by the number of guests and price per guest
  • There is also the possibility to set changeover days (check-in OR check-in and check-out changeover days)


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