Swift Performance Plugin

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Product Details


Last Update: 13 August 2024

Release Date: 17 Jan 2020

Uses: Unlimited Domain

Products Source: Original Authors.

Future Updates: One Year / Lifetime

License Type: GPL

Live Demo

Swift Performance

  • Largest Contentful Paint

    With intelligent preload technique Swift Performance AI will preload important images and fonts, and delay less important resources to improve LCP
  • First Input Delay

    Swift Performance AI will optimize javascript parsing and execution even for logged in users and non-cacheable pages, to decrease First Input Delay
  • Cumulative Layout Shift

    Unlike other cache plugins Swift Performance AI will optimize javascript, CSS and fonts for real users, not only for testing tools. With these modern techniques CLS can be drastically reduced.
  • First Contentful Paint

    With our unique, powerful critical CSS and intelligent preloading FCP can be reduced even of mobile devices with poor connection.
  • Interaction to Next Paint

    We are using complex and innovative techniques to optimize the your site – even if the page has been loaded to improve user experience and INP scores.
  • Time to First Byte

    Preloading, caching and advanced support for third party tools ensures that users get always cached or preloaded page when navigates on your site, to keep TTFB as low as possible.

Speed optimization

is one of the TOP cornerstones of SEO

Swift Performance AI use innovative techniques to achive REAL speed improvment.

Focusing on real user experience (field data), keep good content/code ratio and optimizing images in an SEO friendly way.


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