Salon Booking WordPress Plugin

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Product Details

Version:  8.4.3

Last Update:  03 March 2024 

Release Date:  24 Jan 2020

Uses: Unlimited Domain

Products Source: Original Authors.

Future Updates: One Year / Lifetime

License Type: GPL

Live Demo

Salon Booking WordPress Plugin

The WordPress Booking plugin
made for High Demanding Small Business


We automatically schedule your clients’ appointments,
while your staff is busy at the work

  •  5 minutes setup
  •  Flexible scheduling
  •  Mobile app for salon staff
  •  First class support
  •  1 price/Unlimited usage

Super flexible scheduling rules

Send email and sms notifications, reminders..

A mobile Web app for salon staff

Collect more customers feedback and reviews

Create coupons code or discounts

Customers database and personal booking stats

Accept online payments, tips and deposit

Customers personal account page

Customizable booking form


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