User Registration LearnDash Addon

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Product Details

Version: Latest

Last Update: 31 Jan 2024

Release Date: 10 May 2021

Uses: Unlimited Domain

Products Source: Original Authors.

Future Updates: One Year / Lifetime

License Type: GPL

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User Registration LearnDash Addon

LearnDash is one of the most popular online course selling plugin for WordPress. If you are using LearnDash and would like to create a beautiful and robust registration page for then, theĀ User Registration LearnDash add-onĀ is the solution for you.

LearnDash add-on for user registration allows you to view userā€™s registered LearnDash courses your user registration account page, automatically enroll users to specified LearnDash courses on registration and more.

Automatically Enroll Users to LearnDash Courses upon Registration

With this add-on, you can enroll Users to your LearnDash Courses directly from the Registration form. You can allow users to choose a suitable course on the form and they will be automatically enrolled in the LearnDash course


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