TapTap: A Super Customizable WordPress Mobile Menu

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Product Details

Version: 5.4

Last Update: 7 Feb 2024

Release Date: 15 Mar 2020

Uses: Unlimited Domain

Products Source: Original Authors.

Future Updates: One Year / Lifetime

License Type: GPL

Live Demo

TapTap 5

With TapTap, we set out to create an easy-to-customize, mobile-first, off-canvas menu plugin for WordPress that would be versatile enough to be used on literally any site.

Be it a creativeā€™s portfolio or a corporate site, mixing and matching fonts, font sizes, icons, letter spacing, colors, button and logo positions, backgrounds, alignments, animation speeds etc. allow you to quickly create a menu thatā€™s uniquely yours. Forget pre-determined layouts and build the mobile menu you want. Preview any changes you make in real-time and customize your new menu faster and easier than ever.

To get the full lowdown on TapTap, please have a read at the features list below and do have a look at the live examplesĀ on the demo site here.

PS! TapTap is available at a discount in theĀ WordPress Mobile Menu Bundle.

TapTap full features list:

TapTap is wildly customizable and by far the most versatile WordPress mobile menu available anywhere. To get acquainted with everything you can edit, add and customize, please have a look at the full details on TapTapā€™s near-endless possibilities below.

Menu Button
  • Position menu button left or right, then fine-tune top/side distance with per-pixel accuracy
  • Open menu by click/tap or by mouseover
  • 6 different menu button styles
    • Each style has regular and thin variations (12 designs total)
    • Each button has two different animations (or no animation at all)
    • Set custom animation speed
    • Set button opacity
    • Customize color, hover color (+ colors when menu active)
  • Add label to menu button
    • Enter custom label text
    • Position label anywhere around the button with per-pixel accuracy
    • Set custom font size
    • Set custom letter spacing
    • Select label font (12 options available, or use a theme font)
    • If menu button is hidden, label will remain visible (if one is entered) and can be used to activate the menu
    • Customize label color, hover color
  • Optionally hide menu button (useful if youā€™d like to use a custom element to activate the menu)
Logo Placement
  • Position logo left, center or right, then fine-tune top/side distance with per-pixel accuracy
  • If logo entered as text:
    • Set custom font size
    • Set custom letter spacing
    • Select logo font (12 options available, or use a theme font)
    • Customize color, hover color
  • If logo entered as an image:
    • Set custom logo image size
  • Optionally hide logo placement
WooCommerce Cart Button
  • Position WooCommerce button left or right, then fine-tune top/side distance with per-pixel accuracy
  • Cart and shopping bag icon variations
  • Customize colors, hover color
Search Button
  • Position search button left or right, then fine-tune top/side distance with per-pixel accuracy
  • Regular and thin search button variations
  • Optionally flip search button for additional variations
  • Customize color, hover color
  • Add label to search button
    • Enter custom label text
    • Position label anywhere around the button with per-pixel accuracy
    • Set custom font size
    • Set custom letter spacing
    • Select label font (12 options available, or use a theme font)
    • If search button is hidden, label will remain visible (if one is entered) and can be used to activate the search function
    • Customize label color, hover color
  • Optionally hide search button (and the function along with it)
Search Function
  • Set custom appearance animation speed
  • Seach field:
    • Set custom searchfield placeholder text
    • Customize search field height
    • For RTL support, align searchfield text to the right
    • Hide ā€˜clear fieldā€™ option
    • Set custom font size
    • Set custom letter spacing
    • Select label font (12 options available, or use a theme font)
    • Change search field background opacity
    • Customize colors of search field background, placeholder and search text, close and ā€˜clear fieldā€™ buttons
  • Set background overlay opacity and color
  • Show/hide header
  • Set custom header height
  • Change header background color
  • Change header background opacity
  • Show/hide header background shadow (+ set shadow strength)
Menu Container, Menu, Widgets etc.
  • General:
    • Display menu fly-out as full-screen or set custom width/height
      • Height is applicable when menu is set to animate from top/bottom.
      • Width is applicable when menu is set to animate from left/right.
    • Set menu to appear by fading in or sliding from left, right, top or bottom
    • Set custom menu appearance speed
    • Optionally show submenu when current (have menus open when on current menu item)
    • Optionally close menu after clicking on menu item (useful on one-page websites)
    • Align menu contents left/center/right and top/middle/bottom
    • Give content inside the menu container maximum width
    • Alter menu contentsā€™ scaling animation (any scaling level, positive or negative, or disable altogether).
    • Set custom left, right, top and bottom padding menu container
    • If on desktop, pressing the ESC button closes the menu and search
    • Change menu background overlay color and opacity
  • Background:
    • Add background image or pattern
    • Control corner roundness and distance from screen edges
    • Change background image positioning
    • Change background image opacity
    • Change background color
    • Change background color opacity
    • Create animated, pulsating or gradient color backgrounds (+ change animation speed)
  • Add heading, subheading texts:
    • Change fonts (12 options available, or use a theme font)
    • Change font sizes
    • Change letter spacings
    • Change line heights
    • Turn heading texts into links
  • Add heading image:
    • Set maximum size
    • Turn heading image into a link
    • Set top and bottom margins
  • Accordion menu:
    • Build a multi-level menu (no depth limit)
    • Add descriptions to single-level menu items
    • Set vertical spacing between menu items and menu descriptions
    • Change fonts (12 options available, or use a theme font)
    • Change font sizes
    • Change letter spacings
    • Change line heights
    • Change all colors
    • All font options can be set individually for top-level and sublevel items as well as menu descriptions
    • Add icons to menu items:
      • 600+ icons available
      • Change icon size (separately for top-level and submenu items)
      • Change icon color (separately for top-level and submenu items)
  • Customizable styled scrollbar:
    • Customize scrollbar colors
    • Customize scrollbar thickness
    • Customize scrollbar distance from the sides
    • Customize scrollbar corner roundness
    • Show the scrollbar always or only on mouseover
    • If styled scrollbar is enabled, it will be displayed on desktop only. On mobile, the deviceā€™s native scroll behavior is used.
  • Content animation effects (applied to selected content when menu opens/closes):
    • Scaling
    • Opacity
    • Blur
  • Widget locations:
    • Widget locations above as well as below the menu
    • Text widget accepts shortcodes
    • Select fonts (12 options available, or use a theme font)
    • Set custom font sizes
    • Set custom letter spacing
    • Set custom line heights
    • Change colors (titles, content, links)
    • Set font settings individually for widget titles and content
  • Show/hide at specified resolutions (show on mobile and hide on desktop, or vice versa)
  • Hide completely on specified posts/pages
  • ā€˜Smart headerā€™ option (header elements slide out of view when site scrolled down, slide back into view when scrolled up).
  • Hide theme menu, logo etc. when TapTap is active, by the class/ID of the theme elements
  • Optionally lock body scroll when menu opened
  • A dozen carefully selected font variations included (or use your theme fonts)
  • Open submenus from arrow indicator or full top-level menu item
  • Optionally have TapTap open by default on the front page
  • Toggle the menu via a custom element, via an activator class
  • Display alternate close menu button. Available options include left/right positioning and position fine-tuning, fixed or absolute positioning, an optional hover animation, color and thickness settings.
  • RTL support
  • WordPress multisite compatible
  • Absolute/fixed positioning
  • Have the logo, search and header appear above or below menu
  • Optionally donā€™t load FontAwesome icon set (useful if you donā€™t use icons in your menu or if something in your installation already loads this widely used icon set)
  • Optionally disable retina support (in case you donā€™t make use of the image possibilities in the plugin)
Experimental Image-based Menu

Please note: When made use of, the image-based menu layout can be used both instead of and in addition to the main menu. The image-based menu has its own set of settings that do not apply to the main menu and vice versa.

  • Change all colors
  • Change corner roundness
  • Supports up to nine top-level items and unlimited submenus
  • Upload main images and change other settings in the ā€œImage-based Menuā€ section


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