WooCommerce Pin Payments Gateway

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Product Details

Version: 1.8.3

Last Update: 7 Feb 2024

Release Date: 15 Mar 2020

Uses: Unlimited Domain

Products Source: Original Authors.

Future Updates: One Year / Lifetime

License Type: GPL

Pin Payments for WooCommerce

This extension allows you to use Australian-basedĀ Pin PaymentsĀ as a credit card processor without a bank merchant account. This gateway uses Pin Paymentā€™s secure Pin.js payment form whereby the credit card details are never received by your server. You can process payments inĀ any currency supported by Pin Payment.

Pin Payments supports theĀ Subscriptions extension.

Pin Payments also supports re-using cards. When a customer pays, they are setup in Pin Payments as a customer. If they create another order they will be able to checkout using the same card. A massive timesaver for returning customers.


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